Synthesising Expressiveness in Peking Opera via Duration Informed Attention Network

Yusong Wu, Shengchen Li, Chengzhu Yu, Heng Lu, Chao Weng, Liqiang Zhang, Dong Yu

This paper presents a method that generates expressive singing voice of Peking opera from music score. The synthesis of expressive opera singing usually requires pitch contours to be extracted as the training data, which relies on techniques and is not able to be manually labeled. With the Duration Informed Attention Network (DurIAN), this paper makes use of musical note instead of pitch contours for expressive opera singing synthesis. The proposed method enables human annotation being combined with automatic extracted features to be used as training data thus the proposed method gives extra flexibility in data collection for Peking opera singing synthesis. Comparing with the expressive singing voice of Peking opera synthesised by pitch contour based system, the proposed musical note based system produces comparable singing voice in Peking opera with expressiveness in various aspects.

In short: the model generates singing voice of Peking Opera from note and phoneme sequence where pitch, dynamics and timbre are jointly sampled. A LSTM with Mixture density output is used as duration model and and Lagrange Multiplier optimization is performed to better predict phoneme duration under note duration constrain. (See more in paper.)


How it works?

Model Architecture

Audio Samples

Singing Synthesis

To verify the ability of the proposed method to successfully generate the pitch expressiveness out of musical note, the proposed method is compared with the original recording and a f0-based system where fundamental frequency (f0) is used as input instead of note.

Original Proposed Method
Original Proposed Method
Original Proposed Method
Original Proposed Method
Original Proposed Method
Original Proposed Method
Original Proposed Method

Score Input

In training, our note is obtained by note-transcription algorithm. To prove it can be generalised to score input, we used the published score of the recording to synthesis.

To demonstrate the proposed duration model gives better duration prediction than other methods, the generated samples of using the proposed duration model are compared with samples generated using other fitting heuristic-based methods.

Generate using Peking opera score:

Proposed System
Proposed System
Proposed System
Proposed System
Proposed System
Proposed System
Proposed System

Singing with Peking opera style generated from pop songs:

Proposed System
Proposed System

Singing Conversion

As our model are conditioned on singer identity (an embedding vector for each singer), singer conversion is possible, specifically, singing conversion across gender:

Original-Female Conversion-Male
Original-Female Conversion-Male
Original-Male Conversion-Female
Original-Male Conversion-Female

Visualizing f0 in Generated Singing

f0 of the original singing and that of the reconstruction generation are compared to demonstrate the capability of the proposed system to generate singing with expressiveness.

reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction

f0 of singing generated by Peking opera score input along with the score note input are shown here to demonstrate the capability of the proposed system to generate singing with expressiveness.
